How to Work Out Car-Sharing Expenses

When a member’s car is used for transport to a Club activity, for a Club excursion or day trip, passengers should give the driver an amount that covers driving expenses but does not result in personal profit. The aim is for fairness and to ensure that the amounts of money involved are consistent within the Club. The recommended contribution per passenger is based on CHF0.075 (7.5 centimes) per kilometre.
Examples (these are rounded figures for return journeys):

Morges 60km CHF4.50
Lausanne 80km CHF6.00
Vevey 120km CHF9.00
Montreux 140km CHF11.00
Lavey 200km CHF15.00

The distance from Nyon to a destination may be found from Google Maps.

  • It is the responsibility of the Activities Coordinator to inform all Activity Group Leaders of these recommendations at the beginning of each Club year so that drivers and passengers will know in advance what is expected.
  • It is the responsibility of the organizers of excursions and day trips involving car sharing to use these recommendations in their planning and to inform the participants of such costs in advance.

The recommendations will be kept under review and may be revised by the Board to reflect changes in petrol prices.
From: Chapter 9 and Chapter 11 of POP’s

March 2013